The Times They Are a-Changin’

In the report that I was asked to write summarising the youth work at church last year, I wrote, ‘I’m confident in summing up last year by stating it was a crazy, fun packed, eccentric filled, ground breaking, yet Gospel centred year.’ Woven into those descriptions also feature uncertainty, division, tension, anxiety to which you might be thinking…how?!

In particular, the last few months have been a bit of a roller coaster but it’s been a ride which has brought and is continuing to bring about so much positive change. Witnessing how the Gospel is so relevant and speaks into immensely challenging situations faced by the young people and those on the team, has been incredibly powerful.

I’ve been immensely encouraged to have witnessed signs of how God has been at work in the hearts and lives of many of our young people and leaders. Personally, I can testify to the change that I’ve seen in my own heart, even though circumstances may have seen rough at times. A challenging few months have helped me to see, even more clearly, how my true hope of satisfaction and rest are found in God. A mindset of dominating self reliance has been shown to be such a fragile and short sighted way of thinking and has been burned away at many points. I know that this has been the case for some of our youth and leaders this year as well and I praise God for the powerfully painful lessons he has been teaching us.

So, crazy – yes, fun packed – at many points, eccentric – a chaotic mix and Gospel centred largely because it was Gospel centring.

Lyrics from a favourite hymn of mine have been in my mind recently – ‘Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love, here’s my heart, oh, take and seal it seal it for Thy courts above’ (Come thou fount of every blessing).

Outreach night
A friday night youth session

On the theme of change in the youth work, last week, the man, the myth, the legend that is Marvin Mukhavhuli decided with the church leadership that it was best for him to step down from overall leadership of the youth work at Hope Church. This was decided to give him the best possible opportunity to recover from long term illness by stripping back on his workload and easing back into things as and when he feels able. So, without further a do, I must say the following:

This legend has been a mentor to me, a leader, a great friend, a brother, my banter buddy and a soldier for Christ. He’s been this to me and I’m sure this and so many other things to so many others. His passion and zeal for seeking to help engage the Gospel with young people is infectious. His care and compassion for those around him are so evident to see. His relational and warm nature is a gift from God which has been and will continue to be used to encourage, spur on and lead many to Christ, as he presents Jesus to these young people.  He’s an ambassador for Christ and I am grateful to be able to spend eternity with this wonderful gent!

Marvin and me
Marvin, on the right, next to that bearded photobomber


This does all then lead to the question of what happens next…?

Well, in light of the decision that was made, after discussion, careful consideration and prayer the church have encouraged me to step into the role of interim youth worker for the next few months to build a stronger team and help the senior leadership of the church in overseeing the transition into next year. We’ve discussed the role and expectations and I’ve felt that it would be right to step into. I’m confident that I’m going to be mentored and managed well in the role and have already been freed up to give a lot more time to helping things run as best as we can.

I’ve been saying to people that I’ve been pushing for someone to fill the role of a youth worker who has been freed up to spend more time but just wasn’t expecting that to be me! I’m incredibly excited about the role I’m stepping in to and recognise I have some big boots to fill. In many ways, I don’t feel ready for it but to be honest at whatever point of having to make this decision I’m not sure I would feel completely ready.

Marvin joked with me that I’m now the Nick Fury of the team (apologies to all the non Marvel fans out there…if you don’t know who he is, ask Google)! Not sure what to make of Marvin’s illuminating comparison though – a middle aged black man with an eye patch…the resemblance is uncanny.

I better get myself an eye patch soon

On a slightly more serious note, if you’re a praying person then could I encourage you to pray for the following things:

I would really appreciate your prayers for wisdom and guidance as I continue in conversations and begin to plan some ways forward. Pray that I would continue to be honest with myself and the senior staff, at church, about how I’m feeling as I progress and that I wouldn’t heap unnecessary expectations on myself because I’m confident they are not there by the leadership. Pray that I would be wise with my time, prioritise well and that God would continue to use me and the current team around to build a bigger team of leaders which would help us to engage and minister more effectively to the teens. Pray for the teens and their continued spiritual growth too.

Finally, if you could keep praying for Marvin, as well, that would be much appreciated. That he would keep growing in a dependence in the Lord and would be able to feel that stepping back and doing what he can when he feels up to it would help him in his recovery.


Looking forward to updating you further. Onwards….


Peace and love,

Adam 🙂

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