About Me

Hi, I’m Adam!

Welcome to my blog. I began to write this when I returned to Johannesburg to work as an intern at Hope Church.

A good friend of mine, called Lunga, and I at a friends’ wedding

Over the last few years, it’s become more apparent that my passion and desire would seem to be working with young people – particularly with the view of sharing the greatest, life transforming news which I have ever been blessed to receive. Currently, my role at Hope Church is the youth worker and, in so many ways, it’s my dream job!

In my free time, I enjoy meeting up with friends, watching sport (even sometimes playing sport when I get the chance), playing the guitar and reading.

My Christian faith plays an essential part in my life. I grew up going to church and am incredibly grateful and fortunate that I was brought up in such a positive and loving environment

However, for a long time, the God that I believed in probably wasn’t the God of the Bible; I didn’t have a personal relationship with the all loving God who created and sustains the universe. At the age of 12, I went to a youth event where I heard the Gospel preached and God (the Jesus God) explained to me in a way I could completely relate to. It’s cheesy to say but it was like a lightbulb turned on in my head and vague ideas, up until that point, finally started to become a lot clearer.

I’m keen to stress that my encounter with the living God, didn’t suddenly radically transform me into this perfect ‘Christian’! I still mess up and get things wrong but I now got though life in the knowledge that I walk alongside a God who lived the life that I could never live and died the death that I deserved to die. I have a certain hope of a glorious future in the midst of short term uncertainty, in this world.

I appreciate that with no further explanation the role of ‘youth worker’ sounds quite vague and so I’m looking forward to writing this blog to give you a wider understanding of what my work entails. On top of this, I’ll be using this blog as a platform to share further thoughts and stories on my time in South Africa. I’m looking forward to writing more!

Feel free to subscribe to my blog and follow me on Instagram // @adzandtheants

